主營產品: 其他電阻器
店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
20多年來,盛雷城精密電阻有限公司一直不斷研發各種新的電阻器,以滿足用戶開發新產品的持續要求。產品精度早已達到 0.01%,甚至高于國內金屬箔電阻器的精度標準,產品具有極高的穩定性和可靠性。這一切的一切,都是源于盛雷城精密電阻有限公司堅持采用材料,從不偷工減料,始終要求產品的高質量水平!
EE series high stable resistors made by Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. are the right cross to and replacement of:
Vishay’s PTF series resistors
PPR’s PR series resistors
AAC’s SRN series resistors
TEPRO’s RNF series resistors
RCD’s PMF series resistors
IRC&WELWYN/TT’s CAR series resistors
盛雷城精密電阻有限公司生產的高精度線繞電阻和高精密線繞電阻器多年來一直都收到廣大用戶的好評和認可。高精度線繞電阻和高精密線繞電阻器的阻值高達30k Ohm,精度高達 0.05%,0.10%,0.25%,0.50%
Thunder Precision resistors makes precision wire wound resistors especially ultra precision wire wound resistors, precision wire wound resistor, melf type wire wound resistors, melf type wire wound resistors with highest tolerance up to 0.05%!
Thunder Precision Resistors main products include Metal film resistors, metal film MELF type resistors,EE mold type resistors, ultra high precision mold type metal film resistors, Thick film power resistors, metal strip resistors, surface mount wirewound resistors,metal oxide film resistors,customers oriented resistor networks, We have the characteristics of specialization and standardization and serialization, with many varieties and complete specification, which can meet the requirements of many customer for export.