主營產品: 其他電阻器
店鋪主推品 熱銷潛力款
2016 年度 上海慕尼黑電子展是光電子的一個盛會,盛雷城精密電阻有限公司和許多我們的用戶以及供應商以及合作伙伴一起,將參加這個盛會,向廣大用戶展示我們的新產品,精密電阻器,電阻器的精度從0.1%、0.05%、0.025% 到 0.01%,電阻器具有及其高的穩定性,可以滿足廣大用戶的使用要求,替代VISHAY的同類型產品。
Munich Electronica in Shanghai on 15~17 March, 2016 is a big electronic components fair that a lot of manufacturers of precision resistors and ultra precision resistors as well as ultra precision resistor networks will be presented at the show.
這種黑色樹脂高溫高壓封裝的EE系列與 RN 系列高穩定高精度電阻器,是盛雷城精密電阻有限公司與1989年前往歐洲學習和引進的,按照引進的市場工藝與材料規定,這些電阻使用的必須是德國赫斯特96%含鋁量的高鋁瓷棒,現在很多模仿生產的企業偷工減料,改用普通瓷棒,電阻的性能大打折扣,穩定性指標無法 保證。一味貪圖便宜用戶勢必為此付出巨大的代價。
Black resistors are so called resistors with resistance layers are covered by a protective coating and hard bakelite designed for
electrical, mechanical and climatic protection.
EE series and RN series mold type resistors were all introduced by Thunder Precision Resistors Co., Ltd. In 1989 from Europe. They are all high precision resistors with established reliability and stability as well as tighten tolerance about 0.025%
創新是企業發展的源動力。盛雷城精密電阻有限公司擁有歐洲和美國先進的生產工藝和近三十年豐富的質量管理經驗與產品開發設計經驗,依托先進的技術和深厚的資源優勢,不斷創新,生產的超高精密電阻,精度可達萬分之一,溫度系數可低于1PPM;生產的高頻無感覺電阻器RFM730204系列經用戶認證的無感頻率高達17G Hz 。電阻產品由于高穩定性得到了國內外客商的廣泛認可與贊譽。
Innovation is the source for enterprise development.Thunder precision resistor Co. Ltd. has advanced production technology in Europe and the United States and nearly thirty years of rich experience in quality management and product development also in design experience, relying on advanced technology and rich resources, keep on innovation, our ultra high precision resistorTOL. can reach 0.01%,TCR can be+/-1PPM; the production of high-frequency sense resistor RFM730204 series by user authentication without a sense of frequency up to 17G Hz. Because of the high resistance stability has been widespread recognition and praise of customers at home and abroad.