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Control Dynamics將在近海工業自動化系統中嵌入IntelliMAX實時數據管理平臺。CDI是能源行業工業自動化系統的領先供應商,SENSYS開發并銷售用于實時數據管理的高級軟件解決方案。CDI的IntelliMAX產品的最初應用將是CDI為墨西哥灣的主要海上生產設施設計和建造的液壓修井裝置的控制系統。CDI總裁Van Wilson說:“我們選擇SENSYS的IntelliMAX是因為它的技術領先于其他人機界面。“IntelliMAX顯然是為高性能和高完整性而設計的,這正是我們的石油和天然氣客戶所需要的。IntelliMAX附帶了一整套基于OPC的接口,無需額外開發即可使用。產品的可擴展性也是我們做出決定的一個因素,因為我們的客戶需要能夠根據需要隨時輕松擴展的系統。”SENSYS總裁Sohail Qadir表示:“雖然IntelliMAX已經在上游和下游應用中使用,但CDI的先進交鑰匙解決方案為IntelliMAX提供了新的市場機遇。“我們與CDI的合作伙伴關系為我們的客戶提供了獲得系統集成和咨詢服務的選擇,以確保他們項目的成功。我們很高興CDI成為IntelliMAX的增值經銷商。”關于控制動力國際公司CD公司于1991年在德克薩斯州休斯頓成立,現已發展成為公認的行業領導者,為碳氫化合物供應鏈的所有環節設計和實施一些最大、最先進的控制解決方案;上游、中游和下游。CDI已經在全球完成了1000多個過程控制項目,包括分布式控制系統(DCS)、可編程邏輯控制器(PLC)和混合分布式控制系統。CDI雇傭持有電氣工程、計算機科學和化學工程學位的注冊專業工程師(PE)和項目管理專家(PMP)。作為ISO 9001:2000認證公司,CDI項目方法涵蓋所有項目階段,包括設計、生命周期成本分析、系統和設備選擇、軟件開發、質量控制程序和支持業務流程。這些嚴格的流程和程序有助于確保項目按時、按預算進
nvensys Process Systems (IPS) signed a multi-million dollar contract with Maire Tecnimont Group to supply distributed control systems (DCS) and solutions for two coal-fired power stations currently under construction in Chile. Under the terms of the deal, IPS will provide and install its InFusion enterprise control system technology at the Colbun Coronel and Endesa Bocamina II coal power plants, both of which are based in Coronel, Chile. The company will also supply associated hardware, project management, applications development, final project implementation and deployment services. "Our innovative solution allows multiple, interdependent units across multiple sites and multiple automation domains to operate as one integrated system that provides real-time business intelligence," said Paolo Morerio, Senior Client Sales Executive with IPS Italia. IPS will deploy an international team of experts to oversee the project. IPS Italia will supply the project manager, project director, hardware specialist and technical leader. IPS Chile will supply the technical leader and application engineers. Initial application work will be carried out by the team in Chile, who will then move to the Tecnimont office in Torino to develop final applications alongside Tecnimont's own project staff. "We expect a significant improvement of the efficiency of the design and implementation of the control system through the cooperation of a strong Chilean component alongside the Italian one within the IPS team and the integration of their team with our own during the critical phase of software development," said a representative of Tecnimont's Automation Engineering department. Each of the new plant's power islands will be made up of one steam generator and one steam turbine generator block. The plants will have an output of approximately 370 megawatts each. About IPS (Invensys Process Systems) Invensys Process Systems (IPS), headquartered in Plano, Texas, is a global technology, software and consulting firm leading significant change in process manufacturing, plant optimisation, business operations and enterprise performance. IPS clients are some o